Rehabilitation and Behavior Program
This program is proven to reduce the number of dogs euthanized by shelters for the reason code "behavior." Too often, shelter staff misunderstand or mislabel dogs as aggressive.
Dogs are assessed by our professional trainer, a foster/rescue or adopter is identified for the dog, and the program rehabilitates the dog to live in a loving family environment.
Highlights from Broward County pilot
• In August 2018, 36 dogs were euthanized (excluding owner surrenders/owner requested euthanasia). Of those, 29 had a reason code of behavior; animal aggression, behavior, hyper anxiety, person aggression (81%).
• In September 2018, 26 dogs were euthanized (excluding owner surrenders/owner requested euthanasia). Of those, 22 had a reason code of behavior; animal aggression, behavior, hyper anxiety, person aggression (85%).
• In October 2018, we were able to save 6 of the 7 dogs identified to us from euthanasia through our program. Through the first two weeks of October, the shelter euthanized 8 dogs (reason codes not available). Our program decreased euthanasia by almost half or a 43% save rate.